A comparative study of Henry Derojio's poem "Harp of India" and Sarojini Naidu's poem "Coramandal Fishers", tracing imagery, the theme of patriotism, Indian-ness and development of Indian poetry in English.
Indian English Literature can be said to be the youngest among all the literature of different Indian languages. This is because English came in to India as a foreign language i.e., the language of the oppressor during the colonial rule. So, it can be said that English Literature of India has a very unique and interesting history. Here, we try to know more about this history by doing a comparative study of two of the most important early English writers of India.
Henry Derojio is said to be the first English poet of India. Though a foreigner by birth, his spirit of patriotism towards India was unmatched. He considered India to be his Motherland and wrote of its glorious past. On the other hand, Sarojini Naidu was a native Indian with a deep sense of patriotism and nationalism. She wrote about every simple thing which was "Indian". One similarity between both was that both came from Bengal.
Henry Derojio's poem "Harp of India" is about the glorious past and rich heritage of India, which is now lost, forgotten and lies enslaved by the British. The poet expresses a hope that his country returns to the glorious past one day.
Sarojini Naidu's poem "Coromandal Fishers" is about fishermen; it is a wake up call by one of the fishermen to his brothers to rise and set to work. Though the poem has an endearing charm of simplicity on the surface, it can be interpreted in a political perspective as a wake up call by the poet to her countrymen to rise and fight for their country.
The language used by the poets vary vastly. While Henry Derojio's makes use of some Old English words in his poem; Sarojini Naidu's language is entirely simple and clear, and is new English. The difference in language points to the various phrases of development of Indian poetry in English.
As concerning imagery, Sarojini Naidu's poem comes across as more vivid as it includes imagery appealing to all the senses. The poem is full of sounds, tastes and sensations, which makes the poem come alive for the reader. It can also be said that the poem is one big metaphor in itself, when seen from a political perspective. As regards Henry Derojio's poem, the use of imagery is limited; but the ones included are made use of effectively. The most powerful imagery used in the poem are that of the harp (indicative of Indian culture) and of chains (to indicate slavery).
The poems have varying degrees of 'Indian-ness" about them. Henry Derojio was an Indian poet of foreign origin while Sarojini Naidu was a native Indian. This difference between the two poets can be seen subtlety reflected in their poems. Derojio seems to love his country for its glorious past i.e,, he is more focused on the past of his country and hopes to see it return to its past glory.
On the other hand, Sarojini Naidu, as a native, is more attuned to the present condition of the country. She is attuned to her surroundings and picks up the simplest of things as the object of poetry. The most commonplace things of an Indian's life became her point of focus, thus lending her poems a unique touch of "Indian-ness".
Patriotism is an underlying theme in the poems of both the poets. While it is expressed overtly in Henry Derojio's poem, hidden underneath the surface in Sarojini Naidu's poem. Love and respect for the Motherland can be felt overwhelmingly in the poem of Derojio. In Sarojini Naidu's poem, it is more subtle and is hidden away from view. It can only be seen when the poem is read from a political perspective.
In conclusion, it can be said that both the poems i.e., "Harp of India" by Henry Derojio and "Coramandal Fishers" by Sarojini Naidu are unique in their own ways. They are both masterpieces in their own right, as they both are expressions of love and respect towards the Motherland, albeit in different ways.
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