Wednesday, 19 September 2018

To our beloved Sir...


To our most loved lecturer, Mallikarjun Sir

Sir, you always encouraged us and made studies appear fun
Sir, you were our mentor and guide at every turn
Sir, you were there for us always, right from Day One
Sir, we can never thank you enough for all that you have done

Sir, with great patience, all your students you did train
Sir, in your guidance, a lot we did gain
Sir, you made such complex topics appear so simple and plain
Sir, our favorite teacher forever you will remain

Sir, from your teaching, a lot we did learn
Sir, to listen to your teaching, we shall always yearn
Sir, for teaching and guidance, to you we always turn
Sir, no amount of thanks can suffice in return

Sir, you are leaving us all, but why?
Sir, it's very difficult to say you Goodbye
Sir, it definitely makes all of us cry
Sir, to remain your worthy students, we will always try

This, Sir, is a little gift from your student, Kiranmayi


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Super Kiran god bless you