Thursday, 21 November 2024

The Alchemist - Book Review

The Alchemist

-by Paulo Coelho 

The Physical 
The Philosophical 

The Alchemist is a must-read, a book for a lifetime. A single read is enough to hit a raw nerve deep within the consciousness and shake up the core of one’s very being. It shreds all prejudiced perceptions about Life to bits. It leaves an everlasting impact on the reader with profound insights into human life and the Universe, encompassing everything between and beyond.

The book is at once both worldly and outworldly. While the book narrates the outward journey of the protagonist, with its many ups and downs, there is an underlying current of wisdom which pulls the readers inward, towards their own true selves. The external journey brings excitement, curiosity, thrills, and a euphonium of joy at the end when the protagonist succeeds in his mission. But the internal journey is reversed, it steadily calms the mind as one progresses deep into the tale, making one more open to marvelling at the Magic that is Life itself, so much so that the treasure at the end appears irrelevant.

Both perspectives need separate analysis. The external perspective is the journey of the Hero, which is analysed using Aristotle's Theory of Tragedy. The internal journey requires analytical tools from ancient Oriental wisdom, so the Theory of Nine Rasas, as explained in the Natyashastra and other Scriptures, is used. Taking hold of these two ancient theories helps in exploring and uncovering the depth and various dimensions of the story.

Sunday, 6 October 2024

Not Mere Mounds of Mud

Not Mere Mounds of Mud - What lessons lie buried in Ant Hills :

While the world now, with high rise bridges and skyscrapers, struggles to uphold basic civic order; the humble anthill hides with it lessons for civilizational progress.

Without any scope of an ariel view, how do ants manage to build such architectural designs? It's the work they do underground which matters. The inside of an anthill opens up like a fantasy world, with an astonishing network of interconnected tunnels and chambers. It's not one deep dark hole, but has separate chambers for the Queen Ant, worker ants, food storage, etc. , with channels for air and water circulation, all within a seemingly tiny space. 

Lesson#1 - Space management is not a matter of concern, it's the cornerstone of creation in Nature. These intricacies underneath lead to the outward impressive appearance. Lesson #2 - The devil is the detail. Focus on the details and the overall outcome will be magical. 

Also, compare the size of the ants with the height of their abode. Such (comparatively) gigantic structures are required to withstand the vagaries of Nature. How do these tiny things move about and scale up and down these anthills? A busy schedule brings fitness, which in turn brings swiftness and agility. Being a coach potato is not an option for ants, which ensure that no height or width is enough to them tire out. Lesson #3

And the material to build such huge formations? The mud scooped out to build underground chambers doubles up as material for rising the fort around. 

Lesson #4 - Recycling, Best of Waste are not media trends. They are facts of Nature.

What makes building and maintainece of such structure possible? Hardwork and discipline. A military-like life and routine is what makes these minute creatures capable of building such marvelous colonies. Focused, goal-oriented, tirelessly, fixed mind are not mere word-salds to be heard from Motivational speakers; these qualities are the building blocks of a thriving Life. That's Lesson #5.  

Ever observed the movement of ants? How soldier - esque are their movements! Not one out alignment, no collision, no mad rush. The laws of maintaining such traffic is inbuilt within each ant - it's their own internal instincts which promote such behaviour, rather than forced external fines and punishments. Lesson#6. Nature is calm and smooth-functioning; it's the most-advanced human mind who brings chaos. 

And at the end, how long do these structures last? Not forever, surely. Can they withstand all forms of rains, storms and human interference? The ant hill is too fragile to withstand all of these but what stands strong in all conditions is the Will- Power of the ants. Hail or Wind, Rain or Shine, they march on, undaunted, to build and rebuild their colonies, over and over again, without the least fatigue or slackness. Boredom, despair, lack of motivation are not accountable factors when it's the question of survival, of Life. Lesson #7 .

So, the next time you are about to casually stomp over one of these marvels of Nature, pause for a second and think about all the hardwork and intelligence that they embody. Kneel down and observe the beauty and diligence of its inhabitants. Reflect on these observations, and the Laws and Mysteries of Nature unravel themselves to you.

Tuesday, 10 September 2024

Pati Parameshwar 🌸




The one to be my Husband ... 

This is the kind I crave 

Like the Sarva Shreshtha Pati ... 

ShivShankara Mahadev  


The Adi Purusha who is 

The epitome of Divine Masculine

Far from a coward and effeminate

Not arrogant, narcissist or vain


Usullied by negativity

As toxic-resistant as Neelakanth

Simple, humble and decent

As benevolent as Bholenath 


That firmly controlled Adiyogi

Who reduced Cupid to ashes

A Celibate I claim sole rights on 

Pure, Loyal and Monogamous 


The Ardhnarishwar for whom 

Wife is Ardhangini, Better Half 

NOT item, chick or babes

A mere trophy or show-off 


That Lord Shiva

Who without Shakti is Shava 

Two beings of One Soul

Intertwined like Bhavani - Bhava 


The Kailashpati for whom 

Marriage is NOT mere fun & infatuation

with a spoilt Princess 

But it's about Family and Future 

together with Gauri, The Goddess 


That Gyanmurti who 

Doesn't want to just chatter and gossip 

But talks about Life, Death, Earth and Heavens ... And such topics so deep 


The Dakshinamurthy who is

Wise with Awareness complete

Not a petty empty holder of 

Some fancy degrees obsolete 


The Mahayogi for whom 

Over-materialism is dust 

As minimalist as Asutosha 

Self-contentment is a must 


That Nataraja for whom 

Art itself is Spirituality 

Soulful Art with Cosmic Connect

Inspiring my own creativity 


The Viargi who abhors 

Normal modern society 

And has his own little world 

Created away from all insanity 


The Sarvopari Premi in all ways

As enamoured as Kameshwara 

Amorous channeled through Arts

Lasya, Sangeeta, Ananda Tandava 


Immortalising his Beloved 

He showed the World how 

54 Shakti Peethas he built 

Each with its own Bhairav 


Such pleasing countenance

Like Kanta Kamalaksha 

Ungroomed yet handsome 

The rugged Sunderesha 


The Mahesha who fills 

the Void left by my Father 

The Dayaesha who gives me 

the care of my Mother 


The Sarwesha who is my All

and makes me Whole 

Together for life and beyond 

Like Parvati - Paramesha 


The Avyagra who provides stability

Rock solid support as Achala

Makes me realise my essence 

And sets me free of dogmas like Hara 


Rudra and Sadashiva 

The best among men

A gentle gaint balanced

Knowing which to be when 


Lies low under feet of Angry Kali 

Handling all seasons of Prakruti

Takes pride in wife's success 

Like the messenger for Shivadooti 


The Shambhu who

Makes me look up and think ... 

Is he really just a human? 

It cannot be ... He's definitely DIVINE ! 


Compromising on these 

standards ... I will never

My Pati must definitely be ...

quite like PARAMESHWAR


A Spiritual Love I seek 

One like Uma - Maheshwar

Mutual Respect and Support

A Divine Relationship forever 


The Cosmic Law says

For every She , there is a He

So there is someone out there

Just for ME ... Just like ME