** The Crystal Ball **
When I'm clouded
By confusion, fear or Doubt
I turn to the Divine Crystal Ball
To reveal the answers sought
Crowned with Holy heavenly halo
Glows with soft celestial grace
Its mere sight evokes introspection
Into its mythical depths I gaze
Fogggy obscured sometimes
For it to clear do I patiently wait
And mirroring our earthly lives
Goes through phrases like our Fate
Formations visible on it
Activates my inner clairvoyant
Mind quientens up to decipher
The upcoming worries and enjoyment
Sometimes a silent whisper
Sometimes a intutive thought
The way differs everytime
But the message is right brought
It lies high up there ...
The sacred otherworld sphere
The doorway to higher realms
Allures me to fly away from here
It lights up The Dark
The silent black Night
Illuminates All Mysteries
All psychic powers ignite
Magnatising charm it holds
It rises powerful waves
It alchemises everything
Putting light into the deepest caves
The intoxicating immortal
The Oracle, Primeval Rune
The core of all Mystical
It's mundanely called the Moon